Your Sweet Potato Quesadilla has a kick of spicy from your jalapeno and cumin, and then follows up with a little bit of sweet from the sweet potato. I do not put cheese on mine because I don’t think it is needed. I encourage you to try this cheese free once. Then if you don’t love it, throw some nice Monterey Jack or Colby on there, it is your quesadilla after all.

Sweet Potato Quesadilla

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1T           avocado oil

1t            cumin

1t            turmeric

1t            oregano

1/2        red onion, diced

3 clove garlic minced

3c          sweet potato, grated (1lrg or 2 med)

1 small  jalapeno, diced

1t salt

1/2t     pepper

1/2       red pepper, diced

6              8″ whole wheat tortilla

Make your filling

Heat large skillet (with lid) over high heat, when the pan is hot add 1T avocado oil.

When the oil is hot, lower heat to medium then add 1t cumin, 1t turmeric, 1t oregano and fry for 30 to 45 seconds.

Add 1/2 red onion, diced, 3 cloves garlic, minced, and saute for 5-8 minutes.

Add 1 jalapeno, diced, and 3c sweet potato, shredded (1 large or 2 medium), 1t salt, and 1/2t pepper, mixing all together.

Cover pan with lid and saute for 8-10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Mix in 1/2 red pepper, diced, to just heat through.

Make your quesadillas

Heat up a griddle or saucepan on medium high heat. Place two tortillas in pan to soften the tortilla.

Add 1/2c sweet potato filling to each tortilla and fold in half.

Cook for 2-3 minutes per side, to brown the tortilla.

Repeat to cook remaining quesadillas.

Makes 6 tortillas (8″) Note if you are gluten free, use corn tortillas.

I eat these plain but other have been known to throw some sour cream on top (dairy free even).